Järelmõtteid Saaremaa kolmainsuslikust jooksupeost
Kirjutasin pika teksti sellest, kuidas elujooks, võistlusjooks ja rahvajooks ideoloogilisel väljal paigutuvad ja miks ei ole tõsi (aga tingimata ka mitte vale) see, et spordisangarid on need, kes kõige rohkem kannatada mõistavad. Kukkus liiga sõnadega priiskav välja, seega tõmbasin tekstile vee peale.
Ühe õhtuga midagi kribades ei jõua seda teemat ju õieti riivatagi. Kunagi kindlasti võtan seda teemarägastikku sõnadega selgemaks sörkida.
Hommikune täiendus, India (jooksu)guru Shri Chinmoy sõnadega:
There is a great difference between aspiration and ambition. If a runner wants
to exert himself to his utmost capacity and reach his best running speed, then
that is his aspiration. But when there is ambition, immediately a kind of rivalry
starts. Ambition wants to be the best in everything, but aspiration is different. It
says, "I will do my best and run regularly. But the result, the achievement, will
be entirely at the Feet of the Supreme."
Veel treenimise ja võistlemise kohta :
The athlete, during practice, should feel that he is preparing himself to become
a beautiful flower. Then, at the time of competition, he has to feel that he has
grown into the beautiful flower and now is all ready to place himself at the Feet
of his Lord Supreme.
Mina olin siin (Anu-Helju intonatsioonil)